Exeter Dance Festival 2025
Congratulations to Amelie on competing in the Novice Modern section this year and placing 4th with 81 points. Amelie's always done Ballet before so it was good to see her try out something new.

Cinderella Pantomime December 2024
Good luck to our two teams of students that will be appearing in the Pantomime at Exmouth Pavilion 27th December to 1st January.
Looking forward to working with Trio Entertainment again this year.

Tapathon for Children in Need 2024
Congratulations to the ladies that took part this year and thank you to those that supported us with donations.
In total we raised £120.
School Show - Sunday 3rd November 2024
"Spin a Tale" - this show is all about the stories of Hans Christian Andersen and the Brother's Grimm. Come along and see these fairy tales told through Drama, Musical Theatre and Dance.
Tickets are now for sale through the school and a couple of rows direct through the Pavilion. If you would like to purchase any tickets please use the contacts page.

AUTUMN 2024 - Term dates & WHAT'S ON
Monday 9th September - Start of Term
28th October - 3rd November - Half Term Week
Sunday 3rd November - 'Spin a Tale' Show at Exmouth Pavilion
17th November - Tapathon for Children in Need
Saturday 7th December - End of Term
Adult Ballet is making a comeback. This is a class we used to run, but stopped due to teacher injury. We are now welcoming Rosie Phillips as our new teacher for this class, so do come along and join her for some Ballet Barre, General Exercises & to learn a Dance. No experience necessary.
Pay weekly - £6.50

On Thursday 6th June we are introducing our new teacher, Kelis Rabley, with two workshops - Acrobatic Dance 5.30-6.30pm & Street Dance 6.30-7.30pm. £10 per lesson for new students, or £7 for current students. Following the workshop classes will continue on a weekly basis.
Kelis has won numerous awards at Dance Festivals as a soloist and team member so she brings a wealth of performance experience to the school and alongside the above classes she will be able to teach anyone interested in taking part in upcoming Festivals.
To take part in the workshops, or sign up for the weekly classes,
please book a space by making contact through the Contacts Page,
or calling 01395 272501.

SHOWCASE - 17th March 2024
What a great performance from the students as they demonstrated their hard work over the past year perfecting their grade work. They showed Ballet, Tap, Modern, Street Dance, Contemporary and Drama and the audience said how lovely it was to see the progression through the grades and how their children's dance can develop.

HEN PARTY - February 2024
Here's a photo taken following a recent Hen Party where I taught the ladies two Abba routines. We had great fun learning the dances, which they are now going to perform at the wedding.
My very best wishes to Jess and Jack on their upcoming wedding.
If you are interested in hosting a Hen Party Dance please get in touch through the contact page.
Congratulations to Hannah, Meg and Rosie on their performances at the Festival. Meg (pictured right) performed a Lyrical Modern, Hannah (in her first ever festival) Contemporary and Modern, whilst Rosie took part in Contemporary, Modern, Tap, Lyrical and Musical Theatre so a busy week for her.

EXMOUTH PANTOMIME 2023 - Beauty & the Beast
Congratulations to our Panto team that performed beautifully alongside the cast and crew of Beauty & the Beast. A great time was had by all.